Chessnuts X Spring Delight Wek 38

Name is required and should be at least 4 characters long.

Starting list

1. Alamsjah Henky 1000
2. Anderson Henry 1000
3. Benelux Enzo 1000
4. Benelux Jovano 1000
5. Candra Irsan 1000
6. Christian Hansen 1000
7. Elleanor Hillary 1000
8. Gellert Han William 1000
9. Goh Tristan 1000
10. Halim Surya 1000
11. Vincent . 1000
12. Kohan Marius 1000
13. Lie Pieter 1000
14. Maxy Edson 1000
15. Miftahul Alfian 1000
16. Napitupulu Irwan Ariston Canichess Alumni1000
17. Prawira Abimantrana Hasta 1000
18. Priyanoto Yanto 1000
19. Siow Leonard 1000
20. Sugandi Cleve 1000
21. Susilo Sutjipto Canichess Alumni1000
22. Sutisna Yanto Five.14 Chess Club1000
23. Yonathan Daniel 1000
24. Yung Joh 1000